luisa gomez-Bowes From rockawaymore

luisa gomez-Bowes

With stints in staff accounting at Femwell Health Group and weaving customer dreams into reality at NIBA Rugs Collection, it's clear that Digital Marketing Associate Luisa Gomez-Bowes’ expertise isn't confined to the digital realm. Her knack for management, precision, and proactive communication makes her a valuable member of the Rockaway More family. When not helping to craft digital campaigns or assisting the Digital Marketing team with a myriad of tasks, you'll find Luisa on Twitter, engaging with fellow enthusiasts and kindred spirits, or pouring through travel content about the European city that sits atop her travel bucket list: Paris. When the Miami heat strikes, Luisa cools off with a creamy scoop (or two) of her beloved Dulce de Leche ice cream.

A most memorable meal. A delightful luncheon with the queen of media herself, Oprah Winfrey!

Advice you would give a candidate wanting to join the RockawayMore team. Be the best version of yourself. 

Favorite word. Peace

Two or three things you’ll always find in my fridge. Greek yogurt, bread, and eggs.

Go-to cocktail. A mocktail for me, please.

ROLE: Digital Marketing Associate